Saturday, May 2, 2009

Mirror Image

The only Jesus others may see
Is the one that they see in me!

If I live with this one thought
‘Tis enough to turn my life about
And make me loving, kind and true
To every person both old and new
Who comes across my path each day
And interacts in some small way

Lord, help me be what You want me to
Salt and Light...a true reflection of You!

My Daddy Watches Over Me...

I wake up each morning...
And I don’t know what the day holds...
But He I trust!

I go to bed each night...
And I don’t know what the night holds...
But He I rest!

Each day and night He watches me
He follows my path so carefully.
Why should I worry...why should I care...
When His eye is on me everywhere?!

So, rest my soul, and take delight
In Father’s watching day and night
Don’t fret; don’t fear but trust and rest
‘Tis not just a good way to is the BEST!