Monday, October 29, 2012

Inspired by 1 Corinthians 13:4-7

Love suffers long, and continues to be kind
Love does not have an envious mind.
Love does not walk around doing an 'I' parade
Love is not proud, or rudely behaved.
Love is not selfish, seeking its own desire
It does not blow up in angry fire.
Love thinks no evil, doesn't rejoice in sin
It rejoices in truth, without and within.
Love is real strong, able all things to bear
Doesn't doubt, doesn't judge, but believes what is shared.
It doesn't give up, but continues to hope
When it comes to endurance, has a very long rope.
All else will pass in earth and in sky
Only love will remain, even after we die.

Monday, September 10, 2012

We Run a Race

Inspired by Deut 7:22
We run a race, but not at our pace
We run at the pace of Our Master
He knows where we are, and what we can do
He’s looking for steady, not faster
He builds us up one notch at a time
And tries our strength each step of the way
He wants us to know we can bear the load
That He lays on us on life’s torturous way.
We often say: O Lord enough
My shoulder is frail; I can’t take it
He smiles and replies: Child I know your strength
Your shoulder is Mine, I made it.
That’s what each test or temptation does
It just proves He is right, as always
It shows us we can carry the load
And keep steady on track, till we make it.
Once we are done with another feat
He infuses us with His power
To get back on track, stay steady not slack
And keep running till that unknown hour!

Love is a Choice we make!

Love is a choice we make to go the extra mile.
Love is a risk we take when it doesn't seem worthwhile.
Love starts with easy, but can become tough.
Sometimes all you do is never really enough.
That's when it helps to know that love is an action word
That becomes more real when seen, not heard.
So keep loving and giving, being faithful and true.
Someday the love you give may come back to you!
I said: May...! :) :)

Friday, August 31, 2012

Thank you for being there!

Thank you for believing in me when most people couldn't
Thanks you for standing by me, when most people wouldn't
Thank you for being a friend in need, willing my sorrow to share
Thank you for not judging, condemning, instead helping my burden to bear.

You'll never know the strength you inspired
When life dealt me blows that left me worn and tired.
You'll never know the blessing you were
When the heartache and pain left me gasping, unsure.

I was battered and broken, shattered and torn
Under the pain I felt so alone.
But you came along; you reached for my hand
You gathered me up and got me to stand.

I've come thru that pain; I've learned that in life
There are friends who are friends when everything's nice
But there are very few...not many like you
Who are friends indeed, 'coz they're friends that meet needs.

Thank you!

Monday, April 30, 2012

My witness

It's in my home that my life must count,
'Coz here is the true test of my faith.
Proved through works of patience and love
When all sorts creeps onto my plate.

One never knows what a day will hold
Joy, fun, laughter or trials untold.
But how I cope helps my family see
If Jesus is real and He lives through me.

So give me the love that I need, dear Lord
To be like You in deed and word
May my light so shine in this place called home
So Father in heaven will all the glory own.
Please make me more like Jesus today! Amen.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Which Truth is more real?

Is Truth asleep in the back of your boat?
Are the waves in your life riding high?
Are you overwhelmed by the storm out there?
Do you run to Jesus and desperately cry...
Lord, don't You care, see me tossing around
Not a hope, only fear in my heart abounds
Wake up, Jesus, do Your thing right here
This storm overwhelms, drowning me in tears.

He opens His eyes, looks around and smiles
Child, didn't I say we're going to the other side?
What do you believe, what I say or what you see?
Has the truth of your situation become bigger than Me?
I am the Truth, not the truth of your storm
Have faith in Me, and you will carry on.
Father's Word is Truth, it will set you free
If that's too hard - I'm the Truth, just believe in Me!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

O death, you have no sting!!

Life is an inevitable race…
At birth we begin, at death finish
Birth is exciting but death not so
For birth we prepare, death we try to ignore
We welcome birth, but never death…
Why so?
If death is our inevitable destiny
Why don’t we want to face it?
If death is our most certain exit
Why do we fear to embrace it?
It’ll be so much easier if we do…
To cross the line when life is through
If we live each day staring death in the face,
We’ll live better lives, run a better race!
So think about it from here on…
‘Will it be today?’ ask every morn.
When you do this you will soon find
The fear of death is left far behind.
Each day becomes fresher, fuller, yes!
Than when dodging death and its imagined mess
Life becomes a pleasure then
When death is part of life, Amen!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Make each day a Masterpiece for the Master!

No one’s promised tomorrow
All we have is today!
To be light and salt for Father
While on earth we stay.
We don’t live here, remember?
Heaven’s our permanent abode
So hold lightly to earthly belongings
Or sink with their heavy load.
With hearts fixed firmly on heaven
And feet staying put on the ground
There’s only on way to please Him
Grace and Truth in our lives should abound.
Grace for the sinner, though not for the sin
Truth to live holy and souls to win
Both Jesus fleshed out to exemplify
That we can live like Him if we choose to die
Die to the sin that so easily besets us
Die to the soulish realm of our needs
Live unto Father with His Word as our anchor
Only make choices as His Spirit leads
Stay close to Jesus each step of the way
‘Coz no one’s promised tomorrow
All we have is today!

Good Friday...What a Name!!

Good Friday, what a name!
The day Jesus was put to shame
For love He came, for love He gave
All He had, went to the grave
Forever sealed my future there
Showed His love, undying care
Buried there was all my sin
My grief, my pain, my rot within
He took my wage n set me free
To be with Him eternally