Saturday, April 29, 2017

What did Jesus do up on the mountain?
People say He went up there to 'Pray'!
But I like to think He went up to meet Father
At the start or the end of each day...

When He was baptised, and His Father called gladly:
This is My beloved Son...
The people around thought it had thundered
And they looked up to see from where it had come!

When He was transfigured with Elijah and Moses
Peter tried to make sense of the scene...
He said: Let us build Succas for all of you three!
Jesus rolled his eyes, chuckled and thought: Peter, you're beaned!

So Jesus went up to the mountain
'Cause earthlings would never understand
How Father and Spirit and He talked, laughed and listened
About humans on earth and the plans that They had!

I like to imagine what went on up there...
Loud 'Hello's', Godhead hugs, high fives rending the air
Resounding laughter, sheer joy to meet up again
After Jesus had slept a night, or worked a day in earth's realm.

If Jesus went up alone, vexed, troubled or tired
I am sure He always came down happy, refocused, re-fired
Because He'd gained perspective, and strength for His goal
Big Three had decided you and I were worth it all!

Quiet time is a pleasure when I think of it this way
My time to reflect or commit to God each new dawning day
The Big Three are awaiting, so where will I be?
Asleep, on Facebook, with TV, or like Jesus on my knees?